Modernism, Feminism and the Culture of Boredom By Allison Pease

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Modernism, Feminism and the Culture of Boredom
 By Allison Pease

Modernism, Feminism and the Culture of Boredom By Allison Pease

Modernism, Feminism and the Culture of Boredom
 By Allison Pease

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Modernism, Feminism and the Culture of Boredom
 By Allison Pease

  • Sales Rank: #2929289 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-07-16
  • Released on: 2012-07-16
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"Pease (John Jay, CUNY) historicizes and theorizes boredom, offering skillful readings of a surprising range of modernist texts"

About the Author
Allison Pease is Associate Professor of English at John Jay College, CUNY, where she also serves as Chair of the English department. She is author of Modernism, Mass Culture, and the Aesthetics of Obscenity (2000) and has published widely in journals such as Modernism/Modernity, Criticism, The Journal of Gender Studies and Nineteenth-Century Literature. She received her MA and PhD in English Literature from New York University.

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Modernism, Feminism and the Culture of Boredom By Allison Pease PDF

Modernism, Feminism and the Culture of Boredom By Allison Pease PDF
Modernism, Feminism and the Culture of Boredom By Allison Pease PDF

Modernism, Feminism and the Culture of Boredom By Allison Pease
