Risk Management: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Risk Management as Applied to Corporate Finance

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Risk Management: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Risk Management as Applied to Corporate Finance

Risk Management: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Risk Management as Applied to Corporate Finance

Risk Management: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Risk Management as Applied to Corporate Finance

Free PDF Risk Management: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Risk Management as Applied to Corporate Finance

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Risk Management: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Risk Management as Applied to Corporate Finance

If you're looking for a practical audiobook that provides useful knowledge about risk-management concepts, then pay attention....

Plenty of people think they can beat the market. They pick high-growth stocks or value stocks, they watch their portfolios carefully, and they think they'll do well. But if they don't know about risk management, they could experience failure.

Basic concepts of risk management are useful to the individual investor or the small-business owner. In this audiobook, we might not go into the advanced details of how to calculate the Black-Scholes formula or run a global banking RM function, but we'll show you how thinking about risk in an educated way can transform your investment and business prospects.

Here are some of the topics that are discussed in this audiobook:

So, if you want to learn more about risk management, click "Buy Now"!

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 2 hoursĀ andĀ 13 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Greg Shields

Audible.com Release Date: July 19, 2018

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

A brief, but concise work.

The book aims to be a primer to Risk Management as a whole. It concentrates on Financial Risk majority of the time.The examples it states are invariably financial. Sometimes those examples are incorrect. Eg: When i export to Japan from US, my risk is exchange rate risk (which i can mitigate by a Forward or a Swap), credit risk (esp if sold on account), volatility risk in addition to non-financial risks covered by FOB marine insurance.Risk management encompasses State Actor risk a.k.a Sovereign risk.Good attempt for a primer, but needs to be more encompassing.The writing style is simpler to understand, if the formulas were absent.

Being a business owner, it is important to analyze all aspects of your company. Often you need to make decisions and those decisions can make or break your company. Understanding how to analyze the risk can help you better understand what risk you should or should not take. Which risks will benefit your company and which risks are really not worth taking.Disclaimer: I was received this book free for my honest review.

This guide is a quick read for simple understanding of risks that one may encounter in the business world. It is a easy to read guide that one may use as a review of risk management such as credit and operational.

Need a simple understanding of some of the risks that you may encounter in the business world? Get this easy to read guide that you can use as a guide for risk management assessment.

Quick read and a great resource for understanding the risks as a business owner I found this to be a great tool and would definitely recommend.

Again the author Greg Shields delivers a great book that helps one to learn and grow in the area of accounting and business management where financial matters are concerned. I always look forward to his new material.

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Risk Management: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Risk Management as Applied to Corporate Finance PDF

Risk Management: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Risk Management as Applied to Corporate Finance PDF

Risk Management: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Risk Management as Applied to Corporate Finance PDF
Risk Management: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Risk Management as Applied to Corporate Finance PDF

Risk Management: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Risk Management as Applied to Corporate Finance
